Have you lost your SewJo?
As we are heading into spring, a lot of us are looking forward to being outside gardening and enjoying the sunshine. This means that we will be slowing down our sewing game over the summer. It is predictable that my Etsy shop slows down when the weather is nice! It also means I can slow down too! But for some, me included, if I slow down, it is sometimes hard to get back into the swing of things with quilting.
Here are some ways I get my SEWJO back!
- I love to scroll through Pinterest to get ideas, not only for quilt patterns but for colour palettes too.
- There are tons of free patterns available through all the different fabric company websites. Here are some of my favourites:
- I also have several quilts on the go that I am going to donate to a local charity. The Blankets of Love Foundation for Mental Health is a charitable organization that provides quilts to patients who are in hospital for the treatment of mental illness. By gifting these quilts, we aim to help patients in their time of need. The website is www.blanketsoflove.ca. We are currently donating quilts to each Ukrainian newcomer as well!
- Sift through your patterns to see what quilts might be fun to start! I usually just sit right down on the floor with my pile of patterns (I always print them off - old school) and start organizing them into quilts I want to sew, quilts I might sew and quilts I probably won’t sew…
- Try a different hobby to give yourself a break. I recently joined a 10 week pottery class that is absolutely fantastic! It is through the City Arts Centre here in Edmonton. Every Tuesday from 6:30 – 9:30 I get to play with clay! I look forward to it so much! There are so many more ideas out there, such as sewing clothes or bags, reading a book, cross stitching and more.
- If I have the time, I enjoy taking a workshop to learn a new technique. They are usually low cost Zoom or learn as you go workshops, so totally no pressure. Check out Blue Barn Quilt Co for the latest ones that Linda is offering.
- There is always the option of sorting your fabric and notions. Try getting rid of some of the excess by giving to a local quilt guild or school. In Edmonton, we have the ReUse Centre that will take anything from arts and craft notions to books and movies. Check if you have something similar close by.
Let me know if you have any other ideas for getting your SEWJO back!
Happy Sewing,
Gingerberry Quilts