Barn Quilts

Barn Quilts

 I don't know if you have noticed them, but Barn Quilts are starting to make their way through Alberta and Western Canada. They have been most commonly found in Eastern United States and Canada and there are even driving tours you can take to find them (Huron Barn Quilt Trail - 166 barn quilts). 

Barn Quilt Trails

Most recently, a barn quilt tour was set up in the Okanagan of British Columbia and has dozens of local barn quilts you can visit. 

North Okanagan Shuswap Barn Quilt Trail

Barn Quilts is a bit of a misnomer though. You will find them on all different buildings; museums, cottages, churches and other historical landmarks. 

What is a Barn Quilt? Basically, it is a piece of wood painted with a quilt block and hung on the side of a building or fence. It is a way of enhancing a local area with artistic flair! Some barn quilts are quite traditional while others are patterns of animals or flowers. Barn quilts can be used to visually describe a farm (type of livestock) or showcase a farm brand or logo. These quilt blocks bring together and highlight the traditions of quilting and farming; two traditions that are very much alive in our communities today!

Happy Trails!
Gingerberry Quilts

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